The Jubilee Centre
A Specialist Centre for Communication and Interaction Needs - COIN
Within Cuddington Community Primary School, we have a 14 place specialist provision, which is known within our school as Cherry Tree Class.
The children who access the Centre have an Education, Health and Care Plan ( EHCP). Places within the Centre are allocated following Surrey’s SEN Placement Criteria.
Pupils receive excellent care and a personalised programme, which follows the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum. In addition, we work closely with other professionals to ensure that the educational needs and the EHCP targets of all the children are met.
A Speech and Language Therapist is based part-time at the Centre and an Occupational Therapist works with individual children.
Inclusion with our mainstream classes is a significant aim of the Centre and takes many forms, depending on the individual needs of the child.
LINK: Information for School Admissions - Children with Special Educational Needs
How is the Jubilee Centre Organised?
The Jubilee Centre - consists of three teaching groups organised according to the age and ability of each individual child. Our aim is to provide a safe and engaging learning space for those children that find it more challenging to access large, whole class teaching.
Successful and meaningful integration is a key aim and this takes different forms depending on the needs of the children.
We aim to:
- Support each child to develop their social and communication skills
- Develop independent learners
- Help the children become active and valued members of the school community
- Help the children to exceed expectations and achieve their personal best
- Support all pupils in partnership with parents and carers
Fine Motor Skills- Adapted for individual children, the ‘Write from the start’ programme aids in developing the fine motor and perceptual skills required for effective handwriting and scissor control.
Zones of Regulation- A programme developed by Occupational Therapists that supports children to develop awareness of emotions and feelings, what can affect our moods and self-regulation strategies.
Comprehension- Reading for Meaning- This programme works with the Blanks Levels of questioning to develop comprehension and higher level thinking skills
Socially Speaking (Social Skills)- A programme developed by Speech and Language Therapists, to enable children to recognise expected and unexpected behaviours in different situations and appropriate interactions
Sensory Circuits- A sensory and physical development opportunity that prepares the brain for availability for learning and for the demands of the class environment.
TEACCH- A specific ASC approach to learning, enabling children to become more independent in their learning through visual and highly structured tasks
Attention Autism (Bucket)- Developed for children that have attention and listening difficulties to enable them to build their attention, share attention, develop turn taking skills and independent learning
Speech and Language- Individualised for each child to enable them to develop skills such as their speech sound production, language, understanding of concepts and social interaction
Occupational Therapy- Provided by an outside specialist who works closely with the Centre team to build in strategies and individualised programmes for children with sensory processing difficulties and for those children who have difficulties with planning, coordination and strength. Children also have swimming lessons weekly in the Autumn first half-term and Summer Term.
Mindfulness/ Yoga- Self-awareness and calming is a big focus in the Centre. Children need to be able to self-regulate and manage their emotions to be in the 'green zone'- ready to learn. This helps self-awareness and promotes positive mental health
Story Circle/ Sensory stories - A speech and language approach to asking and answering questions about stories, building up understanding of who, where, what happened and when so that they are then able to write stories
Colourful Semantics- A programme using colours linked to nouns, verbs and adjectives to enable children to develop their sentence construction and writing skills.