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The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
  • reason mathematically
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a range of problems.

The key objectives covered each term, in each year group,  can be found on each classes web page. The objectives are displayed in the curriculum information documents there. 

The Singapore approach to maths mastery

At Cuddington we use the Singapore approach to Maths Mastery. The programme we use is called 'Maths No Problem'.

When teaching maths for mastery, the whole class moves through topics at broadly the same pace. Each topic is studied in depth and the teacher does not move to the next stage until all children demonstrate that they have a secure understanding of mathematical concepts. Children are given time to think deeply about the maths and really understand concepts at a relational level rather than as a set of rules or procedures. This slower pace leads to greater progress because it ensures that children are secure in their understanding and teachers don’t need to revisit topics once they’ve been covered in depth.

Though the whole class goes through the same content at the same pace, there is still plenty of opportunity for differentiation. Unlike the old model, where advanced learners are accelerated through new content, those pupils who grasp concepts quickly are challenged with rich and sophisticated problems within the topic. Those children who are not sufficiently fluent are provided additional support to consolidate their understanding before moving on.


Schemes of work

 Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Fundamentals of 'Maths No Problem' - Parent Videos

Videos on 'number bonds', 'subtraction', 'mental calculations', 'multiplication' and 'the bar model' can be accessed using the link below.

 Parent Videos


Mathematical fluency involves cultivating a strong understanding of numbers and the ability to select the most suitable approach for a given problem. It extends beyond mere memorization of facts, enabling students to explore deeper concepts across various contexts as outlined in the National Curriculum.


Fluency guide for parents

Times Table Rockstars

Times Tables Rock Stars is an exciting on-line initiative to enable children increase their times tables recall and accuracy. This is part of our strategy to build firm foundations in number skills to underpin maths mastery. Times Tables Rock Stars is used from Year 2 upwards.




Numbots is a programme used in KS1 to support children use efficient mental calculation strategies to add and subtract two-digit numbers, so that they can leave counting on their fingers behind! Children within KS1 have access to Numbots which can be used at home.




Parent Workshop Information

KS2 Maths Workshop