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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

School Uniform


The following items are required for all children:

  • Grey tunic, skirt, trousers or shorts (no fashion cuts)
  • White polo shirt
  • Burgundy school sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper (with or without school logo)
  • Grey/white socks or grey tights
  • Black shoes (no sandals, boots or trainers)
  • Waterproof coat
  • Wellington boots

The following items are optional:

  • School book bag (optional)
  • Pink gingham dress/playsuits (summer option) 
  • Burgundy fleece (with or without logo - winter option)


  • Black shorts
  • School PE t-shirt (in Team Colours - Red, Blue, Green, Yellow)
  • Black plimsolls for inside, trainers for outside
  • PE kit bag (optional)
  • Tracksuit (Winter option)

All items of uniform are available from PMG Schoolwear, Chessington tel. 0208 786 2211 all year round. Non branded items of clothing in school colours can also be worn. Pre-loved second-hand clothing can be purchased through the school Parent School Association (PSA). Sales are held at regular intervals throughout the school year.

Please label all items with your child's name
- including underwear and bags.

  • Coat - Please ensure your child brings a coat to school every day as even sunny days can turn chilly or damp during playtime and lunch periods.
  • Sunhat - Pupils should wear sunhats throughout the summer months.
  • Hairstyles - Pupils are expected to have hairstyles that are sensible and appropriate for Primary school aged children. Permanent, artificial colouring of hair is not permitted. Long hair must be tied back. Simple hair-bands in school colours may be worn. For health and safety reasons bulky butterfly clips should not be worn.


Children must not wear jewellery to school. If a pupil is found to have jewellery on, they will be asked to hand it into the school office for safekeeping and collect it at the end of the day. If your child has pierced ears, a single pair of simple studs may be worn but the child MUST remove them for PE. No member of staff is able to remove earrings for a child. In the interests of safety, children will not be allowed to take part in PE lessons if they are wearing earrings of any kind.

Bags and belongings

Please make sure that your child’s school bag is not too big. It will be kept on a peg in the cloakroom during the day. Children should not bring personal belongings to school unless related to work taking place in the school. If an item is brought to school it should be given to the class teacher for safe keeping.  Children in Years 3-6 (Key Stage 2) may bring a pencil case which should be kept in the classroom.

Mobile phones brought to school by older pupils walking or cycling to and from school by themselves, MUST be given to the office during the school day.

Arts and crafts apron

Children will need an apron for painting and craft work. An old shirt with elastic through the sleeves and Velcro at the back of the collar offers the best protection. Children will need their aprons in school every day.