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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Parent Staff Association (PSA)

Hello and a warm welcome from the Cuddington Community Parent Staff Association (PSA).

The PSA is the coming together of parents and school staff to fundraise for nice to have resources, that are not typically covered in the standard school budget. We form an integral part of the school community and raise thousands of pounds each year to bring a little extra fun and magic to our children’s school experience.

With a child in the school or nursery, you are automatically part of the PSA. This means you can help choose how we fundraise and also have a say on how we should spend the money we have all helped to raise.

To date, PSA money has funded for authors and external educators to visit the school, playground apparatus, toys and games, library resources, outside garden spaces. Money from fundraising also enables the PSA to contribute towards class educational trips each year. We have recently replaced the old school trim trial with a new and improved version which is suitable for all the children throughout the school.  We fundraise through a variety of popular events including quiz nights, cake sales, Easter hunts, seasonal discos, fireworks displays and school fairs. We are a registered charity, so we can also accept contributions with the click of a button, via popular shopping websites.

 There are lots of ways to help and get involved:

  • Join in with our termly PSA meetings to show your support. We understand that finding the time to attend meetings may be difficult with busy family life so we try to keep the meetings casual and flexible, depending on the majority of attendees’ availability – share your time and day preferences with us as we’d love for you to join in
  • Look out for PSA updates on the school newsletter, detailing upcoming fundraisers
  • Coffee for Cuddington – Set up a regular donation directly to our account for as little or as much as you can afford, the price of a cup of coffee even! Some parents find this handy if they can’t help out with school events as often as they’d like to
  • Shop via Select Cuddington Community Primary School PSA/Cuddington Parents Association (Worcester Park) respectively, and a percentage donation will automatically be made to us when you check out. So simple!
  • Check if the company you work for offer a ‘Company Matched Funding Scheme’. For any event you help with, your employer will match the total amount raised – amazing!
  • Share any fundraising or spend ideas with your class representative so they can pass them on to the PSA
  • Like us on Facebook ‘Friends of Cuddington Community School’

 CCPS PSA Brochure

The PSA committee is formed of a very small group of parents and staff and we would very much like for there to be more of us! It is totally non-committal, but it would be great to hear if you can help in any way and what level of support you can offer. This would help us greatly when it comes to organising events and fundraisers. So please look out for any PSA requests from your class rep and offer support where you can.

Feel free to drop us a note in the school mailbox at the office for the PSA’s attention, or speak directly to any of the PSA officers or your Class representatives, listed below:

PSA Officers:

Chair                   Fiona Wilkes        

Co Chair              Michelle Maini      

Treasurer             Tom Clark 

Secretary             Keeley Eustace                                                                                                                  

Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to fundraising with you in the near future!