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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Extra Curricular Clubs

We believe that it’s important for children to have fun at school and to gain a sense of themselves through the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities.

It is our aim that children across the school have access to a range of different types of extra-curricular activities. We aim to provide clubs to meet the interests of the children that attend the school.

Some of these clubs and activities are teacher-led and free of charge, others are offered by approved outside providers, for a small charge.

Our vision for all children to attend at least one internal academic club per academic year. Each club will run for half a term in order to provide children with access to an internal club. On occasion it may be necessary to restrict the number of children permitted in a club for health and safety reasons. 

 Signing up for a club

At the end of each half term, you will receive a letter outlining the clubs that will be on offer for the following half term. 

A Microsoft Form will then be sent where you will be able to sign up for the clubs you would like your child to attend.

If your child is successful in securing a place at a club you will receive confirmation of this. If you do not receive an email, then unfortunately your child will not have been allocated a place but please do not worry as there will be plenty of opportunities over the rest of the academic year.

Club Rules

The following information will apply when children attend a club on school premises:

Before and after School Clubs

  • Registers will be taken at the start of each club. Contact details must be up to date in the event a child is present at school but has not attended the club. Parents will be called in this instance.
  • If a child is unable to attend a club, we ask that parents notify the school beforehand by emailing or by calling the school office.
  • If your child is absent from school due to illness or medical appointments please inform the school so the relevant teacher or club organiser can be notified.
  • Continued absence from the club may result in their place being offered to another child.
  • We ask that parents arrive on time to collect their child at the end of the session.
  • For children in Years 5 & Years 6 parental permission is required for children to walk home alone. Please provide this in writing.


What clubs are on offer at the school?

  • At the start of term the clubs on offer will be shared with parents via letter. Sign up to any club will be through completion of a Microsoft form.

Where will I collect my child at the end of a club being held after school?

  • Teacher and organisers of the club will dismiss the children from the main school gate by the school office. 

How will my child know where to go?

  • Teachers and support staff will take the children to the designated meeting place for the club. 

Can my child walk home on their own?

  • For safety reasons, we only permit children in Years 5 and 6 to walk home on their own. Parents must provide written permission for the children to do so. This should be handed into the school office.

What happens if my child is unwell and cannot attend the club?

  • In the event that your child is unwell, we ask that parents contact the school office and let them know they will be unable to attend a club. Continued absence at a club may result in their place being offered to another child.

What if my child is not allocated a place in the club they want to join?

  • There may be occasions that children are unable to join the club they have requested. This may be for a number of reasons. Some clubs may have limited places in order to meet health and safety requirements and others may be allocated to children who have not attended a club yet this academic year.  Popular clubs may have places allocated on a first come first served basis but we will always try and run the club again to give other children an opportunity to experience the club. Should this be the case, we will try and offer another club wherever possible.