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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

British Values

British Values are the fundamental principles that define the United Kingdom's identity and society.
They include:
A culture based on equality and freedom, where people are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Rule of law
The need for rules to create a safe, secure, and happy environment for people to live and work.
Respect and tolerance
Understanding that people have different beliefs and values, and respecting the values of others without imposing your own.
Individual liberty
The protection of your rights and the rights of others.

How do we teach British Values at Cuddington?

Individual Liberty

  • EYFS Provision choices - inside / outside, child initiated activities
  • Learning Gems - encouraging choices in behaviour policy
  • Anti-bullying policy - restorative approach
  • Anti-bullying week marked, e-safety teaching
  • Pupil voice including Active Citizens
  • Discussion/ debate
  • Active citizens – view of peers
  • Art, Dance, Drama as expression
  • Show and tell - Sharing stories about choices, different choices in different families/faiths
  • PSA Sales – choosing where and how to spend money –individually and for class
  • ELSA
  • Assemblies – justice / freedom/ Peace Day/ choices we make
  • High School decisions and preparations
  • PSHE - Focus on life choices
  • Encouraging Aspirations - Focus on ‘choices’ – Life choices – role model e.g. explorers/nurses.

Religious Tolerance

  • Anti- bullying week
  • RE - Different religions/ linking experience to Lesson intentions
  • Class assemblies / Show and Tell / sharing experiences
  • Assemblies – learning from other religions and humanism, sharing stories
  • Visitors from religions
  • Learning about religious celebrations - Diwali, Chinese New Year, range of celebrations, Eid, guru’s birthday
  • World music / music from different religions Including at the beginning of assemblies
  • Amethyst Gem - Respectful learning
  • Emerald Gem - Collaborative learning
  • Whole School Assemblies
  • Church Visits and working with Reverend Cain - Christmas, Easter
  • Learning about other countries and cultures e.,g. Year 1 Africa
  • History
  • Romans, conflict, Greek Gods
  • Sharing Experiences
  • Class Displays - sending postcards, making cards and posters
  • Discussing topical issues e.g. world conflict/ school silence/remembrance
  • Discussion of Playtime issues / differences / strategies

Mutual Respect

  • Behaviour/Anti-bullying policy - restorative approach
  • Anti-bullying week
  • Learning Gems – Amethyst
  • Class Charters
  • Active Citizens (School Council)
  • Head boy/girl reinforcing behaviours in assembly
  • School rules/ learning behaviours
  • Modelled by adults
  • Conflict resolutions
  • PSHE
  • Class identities e.g. Oak
  • Integration/Inclusion/New children
  • High expectation of manners and behaviour
  • Handling issues
  • Reflection Time in behaviour policy
  • FreeWheeler Assembly - Regarding disability


  • Voting for School Councillors
  • Year 6 ‘Leaver’s Trip’
  • debate
  • Voting/agreeing together
  • History
  • Greeks,
  • Debating right and wrongs and voting guilty or not guilty
  • Choosing class rules
  • Vote for what pupils want from lessons
  • Choosing songs/activities by vote
  • Deciding on PSA money use- voting on ideas
  • Child-led planning and provision in EYFS


Rule of Law

  • School rules/ class rules/ whole school
  • School Council – elections
  • Behaviour Management
  • Learning Gems – emerald – collaboration, Amethyst-respect , Ruby-ready
  • Assemblies e.g. UN Declaration of Human Rights, the Ten Commandments
  • Police Visits
  • Yr. 3 – Greeks
  • Yr. 4 Romans - Boudicca
  • Royal Family - marking key events, jubilee, birthdays, weddings, learning national anthem
  • Topical Discussion – election, EU
  • Mayor of London / politics/ In school election